Why Choose DeWipe

A landmark study conducted in 2018 by The University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) revealed that skin absorption, rather than inhalation is the leading cause of exposure to carcinogenic gases created during a fire and the stark reality is that fire fighters have an increased risk of cancer as a result of exposure to products of carbon combustion such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

The report has naturally led to renewed focus on immediate and thorough decontamination of personal protective clothing, equipment and even workspaces such as vehicle cabs and stations which have also found to become contaminated by PAHs; a further finding of the study. With this in mind, should the focus be on fire fighters alone, or should all emergency responders (and non-emergency responders) be aware of the risks of contamination whilst attending operational incidents or the aftermath of fires?

With recent research identifying the increased risk of cancer amongst firefighters, should all responders consider the potential risk of contamination whilst attending fires?

The UCLAN study suggests that with PAHs being transferred to surfaces on equipment, in vehicles and in buildings, any agency who attend fires must be cognisant of the risk of contamination. This includes anyone who enters the affected area to deal with casualties, dampen down or cut away, conduct post fire forensic investigation or to identify structural integrity (where a building is involved); essentially, all stakeholders from local authority agencies, specialists and private contractors. It therefore follows that the ability to safely, quickly and easily remove contaminants on scene is imperative and the challenge is how to make this process immediately available in a practical way.

De-Wipe is scientifically formulated to remove the risk of carcinogens and bacteria thanks to it’s key ingredient proactive compounds that defend against hydrocarbons such as soot and dirt with ease.

Our after fire wipe will help reduce the risk from the:

Wrist and Hands

Face, Ears & Jaw

Neck and Throat

Additionally, they can also be used to wipe down any other contaminated areas after an event.

De-Wipe is scientifically proven to remove pollutants from skin - why take the risk?

Download our free information leaflet to learn more

DeWipe Decontamination Wipes are Available in 3 Packet sizes

Individual Small


Individual Medium


Multi-Pack of 40


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