Equipment Wipes

After fire equipment decontamination wipes

We’ve taken our scientifically proven cancer fighting formula and condensed it into a wipe that’s rugged and tear resistant.

perfect to use vigorously on your equipment, vehicle cabs, helmets, face masks and gloves.

Scientifically Formulated & Proven

Key ingredient defends against harmful dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in soot and dirt.

Wipe Surfaces to Reduce the Risk

Suitable for face masks, vehicle cabs, helmets and gloves - plus wipe down any contaminated areas and equipment.

Fight Cross Contamination

Designed and tested to remove the risk of hazardous carcinogens and bacteria from a multitude of surfaces and materials.

100% Biodegradable

Australasia's only 100% biodegradable after fire equipment decontamination wipe keeping you clean and green.

De-Wipe is scientifically proven to remove pollutants from skin - why take the risk?

Download our free information leaflet to learn more

Wipe it off, don't take it home

All equipment at incidents becomes contaminated – cross-contamination transfers carcinogens De-Wipe equipment wipes removes impurities and cleans without damage to kit or equipment.

Safe to use on:

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